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ADLER.FIT (AF) was founded by Sarah Adler in 2016. In her own life, Sarah has run the gamut from one extreme of the fitness spectrum to the other. A life-long competitive swimmer and collegiate athlete, she learned the value of hard work, technique-driven practice, and mindset training for performance.  

Years later, she found herself de-conditioned and sluggish, feeling fatigued and stuck in herself and her body. Her life involved cycling from the couch to the car to the office chair and back. It was time for a jumpstart.

Driven by a goal to find freedom, accomplishment, and pride in her body and physical and mental abilities again, she applied the principles learned as a former psychology student and practitioner in order to design a program for sustainable lifestyle change focusing on positive pillars such as functional safety-first strength training, habit management, gratitude, and greater mind-body connection. She put this program into practice in her everyday life, leading to a deep professional passion for collaborating and facilitating lifestyle change in others. She soon discovered the value of efficient, evidence driven training protocols and the transformational power of a well put together strength program. She avidly pursues continued advanced education on strength programming, mindset and behavior change, and the neurophysiology of movement and embodiment.

Today, Sarah serves as a coach, motivator, and biggest fan for her clients. She doesn’t focus as much on the weight lost as she does the competency and confidence gained, in the gym and in how her clients feel on a day to day basis. The greatest reward comes in seeing the health and vibrancy gained in others through strength and awareness training. Sarah has worked with a wide swath of folks, from young professionals, to recreational and professional athletes, to rehabilitation patient and senior citizens, and has found this to be true no matter who it is: that being able to simultaneously celebrate where you are now wholeheartedly, and holding an aspirational vision for yourself in the future, is the most powerful motivator for a joyful lifelong physical training practice.

Sarah subscribes to a training philosophy based in no-nonsense inclusivity and body positivity, and is a proud practitioner affiliate of Decolonizing Fitness.

Sarah offers personal training out of VIREO Tucson and remote personal training online. Please reach out to talk more!

Sarah's Education:

B.A. Psychology, Philosophy: Whitman College

Certified Personal Trainer (CPT): American Council on Exercise 

Functional Strength Specialist: American Council on Exercise 

Behavior Change Specialist: American Council on Exercise

Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist (FRCms): Functional Anatomy Seminars 

Sport Performance Coach (USAW1): United States Association of Weightlifting

Certified Functional Strength Coach Level 2 (CFSC): Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning

Qualified Instructor: TRX

Encore Wellness Certified Senior Fitness Coach

Meditation Certification: Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI)

Continuing Education Collegiate Credit in Anatomy and Physiology

Work Experience in Corrective Exercise with BackFirst Physical Therapy and Team Rehabilitation Physical Therapy